Selka Workshop

Cairo / Misr El-qadima
"Adel Fouad, the founder of X, is specialized in Alabaster since 1973, in Cairo. He has been working in this craft for years, since he was a child his goal was to have his own workshop. Alabaster is a generation-passing profession that we inherited from the Ancient Egyptian culture. They originally get Alabaster from Assiut, Suez, Arish and Minya. It is transported by trucks until it reaches their place where they cut it into squares. Then, they take it first to the lathe to shape it, and lastly, they glaze it to have that shine. In his workshop, there’re 13 skillful artisans working with him, from whom are his sons. They all have that passion towards this profession. Adel used to be working as an apprentice in a workshop in Cairo, then when he got to master the skill, he decided to have his own place and to involve his sons in the project. It’s pretty much shown in Adel that he enjoys his profession so much, he once claimed that he left everything behind to work in Alabaster. This craft has taught him patience and excellence. Adel Fouad and Fair Trade Egypt had started working together since 2009, we both exerted all the efforts we could to keep his passion alive, we provided him the support needed to show up in the market by getting him real strategic planning on how to develop the project by helping him develop different designs. We introduced him to local and international markets so he gets to meet the success we both strive for. "